It is very uncomfortable to find that your favorite dress does not slip even when you exhale. And it is a double insult if after two weeks it is to shine in a responsible event and until the long winter evenings, settled by a delicious dinner, it was fixed with a bang. If the first thought that came to your mind was "buy a new one, and that's it, " then you are a man.
The quickest way to get rid of extra inches is on a diet, which is plentiful - rice, apples, kefir, buckwheat and so on. Here, something to your taste and body characteristics.
About the buckwheat
At first glance, when choosing a product for monoecious, you can see a label: 100 grams of dry buckwheat has 329 kcal, even though there are only 15 of them in cucumbers and 83 in boiled potatoes. and the blood sugar index less calories, while starchy potatoes are much higher than buckwheat. In addition, it is the most protein-rich porridge with a low carbohydrate content, its absorption is also difficult due to the peculiar structure of buckwheat fiber. If we add the fact that this seed (since buckwheat is not grain, but seed) contains a unique combination of amino acids, a lot of B vitamins, as well as calcium and phosphorus, it becomes clear why the Greek monks who cultivated and consumed buckwheat actively (it came from them the name of this product) lived a long, happy life and hardly got sick. By the way, regular use of buckwheat outside the diet improves digestion and is thought to prevent constipation and the routine it contains helps to strengthen blood vessels.
In general, for the first time, monosetics are usually chosen according to the principle of a favorite product. So I childishly decided that "you will not be full of yogurt alone, but I love buckwheat" and settled on a buckwheat diet. Additional arguments in favor of buckwheat were the simplicity of the diet (no need to cook anything), cheap (you can eat for 200 rubles a week) and the usefulness of the product itself.
As for the recipe, it is primitive in the sense that it is impossible: in the evening, a glass of buckwheat is poured with two glasses of boiling water. The resulting product can be eaten as much as the heart desires, with an unlimited amount of mineral water and a liter of 1% kefir per day.
Dietary buckwheat properties:
- The term of office for her is 7 days, the maximum is 2 weeks. With a diet that lasts longer, the risk of getting health problems outweighs the benefits to the film.
- Porridge is not boiled as usual, but steamed- so that more useful substances are preserved.
- Absolute ban on salt, spices and sauces- salt retains water in the body, spices stimulate the appetite and cause thirst and sauces contain both salt and spices as well as being high in calories.
- Diet is not "hungry"- Buckwheat can be consumed in unlimited quantities, so it is not so difficult to follow the plan.
- Dietary enlargement is not welcome. True, if it is completely intolerable, then once a day you can allow one thing: either tomato, or cucumber, or apple, or 100 grams of low-fat yogurt.
- For diet it is better to choose pale green grains.- and store the brown for rich buckwheat porridge with butter.
- There are contraindications for gastrointestinal tract -in case of acute problems, the question of a non-therapeutic diet should not be raised at all and if chronic diseases are present it is worth consulting a doctor.
"What is this disgusting buckwheat of yours! "
Even for those who simply love buckwheat, this diet seems unlikely to be pleasant: steamed grains without salt and oil are so disgusting that I never managed to eat more than 5 tablespoons at a time. Given this, the allowed kefir was just a meal and the tomato once every two days seemed to be a delicacy.
Taste settings in a week spent on a buckwheat diet gradually changed.
The first dayflew completely unnoticed.
Another daypassed under the banner of the struggle for victory - we really wanted something tasty, in a role that finally played a small tomato.
Third and fourth dayporridge went through force, in order to stuff buckwheat somehow, I had to go to a completely permissible taste - pour it with kefir.
On the fifth daydizzying craving for sweets. Given that I do not like sweets in principle, I had to listen to the body, which was clearly sending a signal of acute glucose deficiency, and eat candy. In fact, it is more useful to supplement a sugar deficiency with a spoonful of honey, but it was simply not at hand.
Toend of the weekthe stomach clearly decreased in volume, because I was not at all interested in eating, but in the mirror they showed someone pale and not too happy with life, so after seven days we left buckwheat by appointment.
What are we losing?
Result after 7 days of buckwheat bullying-minus 3 cm in the hips, minus 2 cm in the waist and unfortunately minus 2 in the chest, lost 4, 5 kg. Admittedly, it is worth noting that I went straight from the diet - without the slogan "let's get fat now", with a reduction in the normal diet and rejection of mayonnaise and fried potatoes.
In fact, it is a short-term diet - although the result is noticeable almost immediately, it is impossible to lose weight for a long time. As soon as buns and double doses appear in the diet, the weight will return to its previous value and even increase. This is because during a diet, where there is a lack of nutrients, the body mostly does not burn ancient fat reserves but protein from muscle mass. Due to this, the volume and reading of the scale decreases. And to strengthen the effect, you still need to change your lifestyle or at least review your diet.
However, the buckwheat diet is also good because it cleanses the gut well (how good it is without a mixture of sweets and soda! ) And liver. Many people who have tried "buckwheat" say that the effect is literally on the face - the skin cleanses itself. I myself did not notice this - I was just glad that the dress was buttoned and the appetite decreased significantly.
Buckwheat diet will help you lose up to 12 kg per week
General information The buckwheat diet is extremely simple, very effective and safe. A buckwheat-based diet refers to a diet, which according to experts helps not only to lose weight, but also to feel better.
Buckwheat diet is very simple, very effective and safe. A diet based on buckwheat refers to a diet, which according to experts helps not only to lose weight but also to feel better by ridding the body of toxins.
Buckwheat has a significant content of carbohydrates.
Therefore, weight loss can not start right at the beginning of the diet, but with a delay of a few days. The more overweight a person is, the faster he will lose weight. For 7 days of buckwheat diet, weight loss of 8-10 kilos is guaranteed.
Properties of buckwheat diet
The benefits of buckwheat are beyond doubt. It is rich in trace elements that are important for the body: iron, potassium, magnesium, calcium. The use of buckwheat helps to strengthen the walls of blood vessels. Vitamin B, which is included in its composition, improves the condition and appearance of skin, nails, hair and helps the body withstand stressful conditions.
Buckwheat diet involves a complete rejection of salt and sugar in the daily diet - this is to some extent a minus. Therefore, you need to be careful and attentive to the use of this method to lose weight. Buckwheat porridge without salt effectively removes toxins and excess fluid from the body. Sometimes the body responds to anemia with low blood pressure and occasional headaches. Also, with weight loss on a buckwheat diet, there is a lack of sugar in the body and consequently glucose. Glucose is essential for the efficient and effective functioning of the brain. Therefore, if you find it difficult to concentrate and think about something, these are the "side effects" of dietary buckwheat. You may also feel a constant craving for sweets.

During a buckwheat diet, it is sometimes permissible to drink a drink of water and honey (dilute 1 teaspoon of honey in a glass of water). Because you eat only buckwheat during your diet, your body is forced to burn its own fat to supply nutrients. This speeds up the metabolism, so fat burns quickly and easily.
Diet menu and diet
- For diet you need buckwheat porridge. It should not boil in the usual way, but evaporate so that the nutrients that are beneficial to the body are fully preserved. Pour a glass of washed buckwheat with 1/2 liter of boiling water, then wrap the pan in a towel and let stand overnight. In the morning the porridge is ready. If excess water is found in the pan, it must be emptied. You must eat porridge every day during the diet. It is forbidden to add spices or salt to buckwheat.
- Between the last intake of buckwheat porridge until you go to bed, the gap should be at least 3-4 hours.
- During the day it is permissible to drink an unlimited amount of permitted fluids. Its minimum volume is 1, 5 liters. Green and black tea, non-carbonated mineral water, as well as herbal teas are allowed.
During a buckwheat diet, the following diets are recommended:
- In the morning, on an empty stomach, drink a drink: squeeze 2 lemon slices in a glass of hot water and add 1 tsp. honey.
- Breakfast - half an hour after the drink. 1 serving of porridge. You can drink it with natural vegetable juice without salt or unsweetened tea.
- Dinner. 1 serving of porridge.
- Dinner. 1 serving of porridge.
A diet based on buckwheat is one of the strictest. You can stick to it for a maximum of 2 weeks. You can repeat the diet and keep the interval between courses for at least a month. You need to get out of the buckwheat diet well and carefully, gradually adding familiar foods to your diet. At the stage of abandoning the diet and as a result, it is worth limiting the flour, fatty and sweet foods in the diet, otherwise the lost pounds can quickly return. During the buckwheat diet it is recommended to take vitamins.
Cereals are a banned product in many diets, but it is cereals that are the basis of the buckwheat diet. A significant advantage of this diet is the lack of hunger, as the diet allows the use of buckwheat in any quantity.
To make it easier to transfer a buckwheat diet, you can slightly diversify its menu in the following ways. Steam, as usual, buckwheat. Chop the onion and fry in vegetable oil until golden brown. Add the fried onion to the porridge - and the dish is ready.
Buckwheat diet options: buckwheat with kefir
Buckwheat diet is available in different versions, including a diet based on buckwheat and kefir. Kefir is rich in calcium, protein, vitamins B2, B12 and A. It is recommended by doctors for a number of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, as it has the ability to improve digestion. Kefir contains a large number of lactic acid bacteria that eliminate the decay process in the intestine. Kefir also removes toxins and toxins from the body.
The diet of buckwheat and kefir helps, in addition to weight loss, to cleanse the liver and skin, reducing the current symptoms of dermatitis.
The duration of the buckwheat-kefir diet is one week. This variant differs from the buckwheat diet in that it involves the addition of a daily diet with kefir with a fat content of 1% in quantities of 1 liter. Kefir should be drunk half an hour before a meal or half an hour after. If the use of dry buckwheat gives you obvious discomfort, you can drink it with kefir. During the diet of buckwheat and kefir should take a multivitamin.

Dietary buckwheat results
The results of a buckwheat diet are impressive. Such conclusions can be drawn by evaluating the judgments of those who have tried it on themselves. Weight loss is happening. The rate of weight loss and the number of pounds lost are different for everyone.
Lack of hunger is noted by many who have experienced a buckwheat diet. Some people have found that the diet has significantly improved the condition of the skin.
Contraindications to buckwheat diet
Like any other diet, buckwheat has some contraindications, despite its benefits. People suffering from hypertension, diabetes, stomach and duodenal ulcers are not recommended this diet. Pregnant and lactating women should also avoid buckwheat diet. You need to treat your health with care and caution: two weeks of malnutrition can seriously damage your health.
Everyone's body is different and works differently. Before you start losing weight on a buckwheat diet, consult your doctor and carefully research the reviews about it.
We lose one pound a day

Friday is a fast or monotony that lasts for one day. Fasting days for weight loss are believed to be beneficial, as they help to clear the intestines of toxins. At the same time, no one promises that you will lose a few dozen pounds - this is simply impossible without enormous health damage. You will most likely lose up to a pound of excess weight, but save your nerves and strength. Light weight will not be regained if you follow the idea of a healthy diet.
Add to that the listed benefits of their Friday variety: each time you can eat in a new way. Involuntarily you will start to control your diet, as the new conditions will not allow you to relax, just as if you were right-handed and suddenly started doing everything with your left hand.
Do not abuse Fridays. Once a week is enough.
Tips for planning Fridays for weight loss
- Drink at least two glasses of water or green tea with each meal. This will increase your calorie burn by 24%.
- Take a 20-minute walk after each meal. However, this will still not be enough to lose weight. If you want full load, add strength training.
- Every calorie should count. A small potato contains about 135 kcal, while a large one contains almost 300 kcal. Do you find the difference? Most of us gain weight because we eat over a hundred or two extra calories without thinking about the numbers.
- Finally relax. Friday is a great time to "unload" not only your stomach but also your head. Do not embarrass yourself about what you have eaten - in the end the nerves are more important. In addition, under stress, the body begins to store fat. According to nutritionists, this is an ancient methodto protect against hunger, because our ancestors suffered for several centuries in a row.
- If you are already intolerant and hungry cramps have started, eat something light, but not more than 100 kcal. For example, a reddish apple.
American diet for one day
Breakfast:boiled eggs, half a grapefruit, a cup of black coffee without cream and sugar
Lunch:2 biscuits with a quarter of low-fat cheese, a cup of black coffee
Dinner:tuna, 3 celery halves, cup of black coffee
Dinner:chicken, 6 pieces of broccoli, coffee
Designers promise that you will lose weight from a pound to a pound of weight on a one-day diet like this. Its advantages include the fact that it is the most and will not make you suffer a lot from lack of food. However, experts advise drinking so much coffee, especially at dinner. This can damage the blood vessels and due to the excess caffeine you simply do not fall asleep.
Buttermilk day

This Friday usually involves the consumption of kefir or cottage cheese.
Varieties of cheese: Eat 3 packets of cottage cheese for 6 meals.
Kefir option:drink 1, 5 liters of fat-free kefir in 6 doses. Add 1 kg of apples if such a diet seems too heavy for you.
Composite variants: 2 packs of cottage cheese and 750 g of kefir eat in 6 servings.
The cottage cheese version of fasting seems preferable, as the energy value of cottage cheese is much higher than kefir.
apple day
As we touch apples, we must not miss the mention of Apple Friday. This food system is very popular in our country. Its meaning is simple: eat 1, 5 kg of fresh apples for the whole day. If it's hard for you, try drinking a glass of kefir 6 times a day and eating apples.
Vegetarian Day
Eat 1, 5 kg of fresh or boiled vegetables that are not starchy for 6 meals. Non-starchy vegetables include all kinds of lettuce, dill, parsley, sorrel, celery greens, tomatoes, asparagus, artichokes, arugula, bamboo shoots, okra, spinach, cucumbers, all kinds of cabbage, onions and peppers.
A relatively healthy diet that can cleanse the gut properly with the help of plant fiber.
chocolate day
It is difficult to understand where this low fat diet came from. All day long you are invited to eat 80 g of chocolate and drink a few cups of coffee. It should be noted that you need to eat dark chocolate which satisfies hunger better, speeds up the metabolic processes in the body and has a positive effect on mood. This small amount of chocolate is not enough to fill you up, and you are basically betraying your body and starving. And the brain continues to run on chocolate sugar. You can lose weight, but such jokes are bad for your health.
fishing day
For 5 meals, eat 100 g of lean fish and 100 g of vegetables. Basically, it's a healthy choice. The number of lean fish includes cod, halibut, sea bass, ice, saithe, reef, redfish, bream, flounder, vikings, blue whiting.